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The Principal’s Update: May


Dear Parents and Students:


We finally completed our Georgia Milestones state assessments. Hooray!  I know that both the teachers and students are excited about completing it.  Testing is challenging for everyone as it changes our daily routines. Patience and flexibility are key during the testing season. Now, we must focus on these very important last few weeks of school.  
Our state testing season is not yet over for everyone! This is a busy time for many of our 8th grade students.  Our 8th grade students who are enrolled in high school Carnegie unit courses will be preparing for their End of Course (EOC) tests and then will turn around and take their final exams. The End of Course Test will count 20% of the final grade for each high school course taken.  Parents of students who are enrolled in a high school course should be on the lookout for information about Carnegie unit courses and the final decision to accept or waive the high school credit.  The decision will have to be made shortly after students take the EOC.  This will be a repeat of information shared with parents this past Fall and at the Carnegie Unit (high school) credits presentation held this semester.
The next few weeks are very busy and sometimes students let their grades drop.  Final exams will take place the last three days of school. Final exams will count 10% of the final grade for the semester.  Final exams cannot be taken early and cannot be made up.    Please plan accordingly.
We are gearing up for our Grade Level  End of Year Awards programs, Fine Arts concerts, 8th grade Celebration, 8th grade Formal dance, and final exams.  Time will move very quickly over the next few weeks so please be mindful of important dates and deadlines regarding the end of year.  Read our weekly newsletter, log on to our website and be sure that your contact numbers and information are up to date in our system so that you do not miss any important information regarding your child.   
Our Teacher Appreciation Week is here!  Please join us in celebrating and showering our teachers with words and/or gifts of appreciation and encouragement during the week of May 7th - May 11th.  Our teachers work hard to ensure that teaching and learning occur at high levels at Snellville Middle school and that your child receives the very best.  Your words of encouragement during this special week would be just the boost your child’s teachers need to get through the end of the year.
Additional Reminders: As we wind down the school year and the weather continues to get warmer I want to share a few reminders: 

  • Please remind your son or daughter that the end of the school year is just as important as the beginning and our behavioral expectations are consistent throughout the entire year-up until the very last day of school.  Also, remind them to remember to keep their hands and unkind words to themselves and to only speak kindly to and about others in person as well as on social media. 


  • Students should not be dropped off or arrive to school before 8:15 a.m. on Help Day Wednesdays.  On non Help Days we suggest that students arrive as close to the bell as possible.  Students are not allowed to enter the building without a signed agenda pass from his or her teacher on non-help days.  Please make sure that your son or daughter arrives at the appropriate time. Outside adult supervision is not provided for students before 8:50 a.m. 


  • As the weather gets warmer, please take a few minutes with your son or daughter to review the dress code. 


  • Bus riders and car riders sometimes choose to be walkers on the last day of school. Students want to walk to Briscoe Park to “hang out” with their friends.  This is a non-school sponsored, non-school supported activity.  For safety and security concerns, I would recommend not encouraging this activity. However, this is a parental decision and parent responsibility.  Please be aware that students who choose to leave campus as walkers will not be allowed back on campus for any reason. Oftentimes, students walk to Briscoe Park only to find out it is closed for maintenance in preparation for the Memorial Day weekend. Local police monitor the park to ensure that unauthorized access does not occur when the park is closed.  Please plan accordingly. 

Lastly, I’d like to wish all of the Mothers a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 13th!  Celebrate and Relax!  You deserve every bit of it!
Katise Menchan

Lost and Found


Lost and Found is piling up!      If your child is missing clothing, shoes, jackets, etc… please remind them to get a pass from a teacher then go to the Lost and Found in the New Gym.     If your child has misplaced their glasses our clinic has a nice selection of eyeglasses waiting to be reunited with their owner.     Unclaimed Lost and Found items are donated to local charities on a regular basis so don’t delay, come claim today.

May 7 - 13, 2018
Weekly Calendar
Comet Academy for Rising 6th Graders

Snellville Middle School will once again offer Comet Academy, a four-day transition program for our rising 6th graders this summer.  The dates are June 11-14, 2018, Monday-Thursday, from 8:30 am-12:30 pm.   Click here for more information.

Library Books are Due


If your student has an overdue library book please encourage them to find the book and return it.   Overdue book information can be found in the parent portal.     A $20.00 fee will be charged for all lost books.

Robotics Team

If your son or daughter is interested in robotics and solving real-world problems check out the Robotics Team for next year.    The team is open to current 5th, 6th and 7th graders.  Applications are due by Friday, May 11th.   Click here to view more information.

Snellville Middle School Student G Suite Accounts


All Gwinnett County schools will transition to using a district-wide domain (account) for all students next year.    The last couple of years students at Snellville Middle have had access to Google accounts.   Students may have saved documents, presentations, and other items in their account.     These Google accounts will be deactivated over the summer.   If your student has anything stored in their account they would like to keep they need to either share it with a personal Gmail account or back it up to a USB drive or other storage device.   If they have questions about this process they may see Mr. Johnston at school.

Stay Informed with the Parent Portal


If you are not already on the Parent Portal please stop by the office and sign up.   This awesome resource allows you to track your child's grades and attendance in real time from any computer.  

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