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Snellville Middle School

3155 Pate Road Snellville, GA 30078


August 15 - 21, 2016

Weekly Calendar
Our First Week of School: The Principal’s Update


“School is a building that has four walls with tomorrow inside.” Lon Watters


Dear Parents & Students:


Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! We are having an excellent start to this school year!  Our 6th grade students are learning their way around the school and doing well making the transition to middle school. For our 7th and 8th grade parents, we’ve made some exciting changes this school year.  Our 8th grade classes are now located on the second floor and our 7th grade classes have moved to the first floor. This change provides each grade level a better sense of community and prepares our 8th graders for the academy model at South Gwinnett High.  Also, please join me in welcoming Ms. Corine Warren to our administrative staff. Ms. Warren is an experienced Assistant Principal from North Carolina and will provide support to our 8th grade students and parents. We are thrilled to have her at SMS! I have several reminders, updates and announcements to share with you for the month of August.



The Promise of Gwinnett


Across the school district, the 2016-17 school year has been designated as a “Year of Promise.”  I’m sure you will agree with me that each student in our school building holds promise. As the quote above suggests, our students—all that they know and can do, their dreams and hopes, and their plans and preparation—are the future.


We embrace our responsibility to help your child fulfill his or her promise. We know that the education that our students receive in a Gwinnett school is critically important as they prepare for college and careers as well as the responsibilities of being a contributing member of society and an engaged citizen.


At our school, outstanding staff members and award-winning students are recognized for their accomplishments. We’re very proud of our “high flyers.” But that’s not all. We also celebrate small gains in the classroom, big imaginations, kids who are kind, innovative teaching, creative thinkers, children who do the right thing, and students who try their best, even when it’s hard. That’s the Promise of Gwinnett, working together to ensure a future filled with promise for all students. 


At Snellville Middle School, we understand this, and are committed to “teaching and leading tomorrow’s  promise”.

On September 5th SMS’ very own Jourdyn Anderson will be featured in the Promise of Gwinnett campaign, click here to learn more about it: :


Snellville 101


As a way to help our students’ success at Snellville Middle, all of our students participate in Snellville 101 during the first 10 days of school.  Snellville 101 is student advisement time when teachers share with students the academic and behavioral expectations necessary for success.  Students are taught important lessons during this time such as: staying organized, walking in the hallways, promotion criteria, listening, being respectful, bus safety and setting goals.


Parents, I encourage you to take a few minutes to ask your child about Snellville 101 and the expectation(s) learned for the day. 




We are working each day with scheduling newly enrolled students and making sure that these students are able to begin classes in a timely manner. We have completed any beginning of the school year scheduling errors and all of our students have complete schedules. All students receive four core classes and two Connections classes. Our Connections classes are designed to provide students an overview of a subject or career path and are a semester long with the exception of the Fine Arts and Junior Leadership programs which offer yearlong classes. Beginning on Monday, August 18th, our sixth grade students will begin attending their Connections classes. 


Arrival and Dismissal


Each morning our first bell rings at 8:50 a.m. which signals for our car riders to unload and for walkers and students to enter the building. To ease student arrival our busses unload each morning at approximately 8:55 a.m.  Please be mindful that car riders should unload students only in the designated area. Unloading students in the parking lot in an undesignated area is a safety risk. Also, do not attempt to drive around or pass another car that is unloading a child. Also, students should never be dropped off in the front parking lot or in the street. For the safety of all of our students, please follow these very important procedures. In the afternoon, dismissal begins at 4:00 p.m. with afternoon announcements and then the dismissal of walkers and car riders. We understand that the car rider lane moves slowly and takes time for you to enter and exit, so please plan your time accordingly while exercising patience, courtesy and safety.   


Parent Updates & Reminders


Please be sure that your email address and contact phone numbers are current in our school database.  If your primary email address or contact phone numbers change at any time during the school year, please contact the school to provide the updated information. Important messages and any safety updates are sent via email and through phone messages.




Each year we receive a projection of the number of students that will attend our school. During the first month of school we complete an enrollment count one day a week to monitor the number of students attending Snellville Middle.  It is important that your son or daughter is in school each day and arrives on time during this critical enrollment count period. Should our student enrollment exceed our projection we have an opportunity to earn teacher points. So arrive on time and be counted!


Curriculum Night  


I hope to meet all of the new parents to SMS and see all of my returning parents on Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:30 p.m. for Curriculum Night.  Please be mindful that this is not the same as student-led conferences (commonly known as parent-teacher) which are held in late September.  Curriculum Night is an opportunity to learn more about what your son or daughter will learn this year in all of his or her classes. Be sure to mark your calendar!


Looking forward to partnering with you for another great school year.


Teaching and Leading Tomorrow’s  Promise,


Katise Menchan


Curriculum Night


Mark your calendars for Curriculum Night on Tuesday, August 23rd starting at 6:30 PM.   During Curriculum Night you’ll be able to meet all of your children’s teachers and get an overview of the Academic Knowledge and Skills covered during class.  Spirit wear will be available for the special price of $6.00.    We look forward to seeing you at Curriculum Night.

Anchor Auditions


Attention students, how would you like to be an anchor for the Channel 4 Comet News?    If you are interested in journalism or public speaking you may pick up an application in the Media Center or click here to download an application.     Auditions will be held Wednesday, August 17th.   More details are on the application.    The signed application must be turned in during your audition on August 17th.

Stay Informed with the Parent Portal


If you are not already on the Parent Portal please stop by the office and sign up.   This awesome resource allows you to track your child's grades and attendance in real time from any computer.  



As we continue to roll out BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) at Snellville Middle School this year we would like to make parents aware of a few important items.

  • Students may bring their own Smart Phone, eReader, Tablet, or Laptop computer to school.

  • Teachers have the option of allowing students to use their device during class for specific instructional activities.

  • Students should always use the GCPS filtered Wi-Fi, they should never use their own 3G or 4G data plan.

  • Students are solely responsible for their device while on the bus, at school, and after school.

  • If students are allowed to listen to their device they should use earbuds but only in one ear.

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